Monday, August 27, 2007

back to the grindstone

my monday back after surgery was about what i expected. it was hectic...there were some tears shed by me...darvocet evened me out. i started to stress which caused me to hurt so i wisely took a happy pill. my friend jane offered to drive me home if i got sleepy, but i was ok.

w/o going into too much boring detail (i.e. whining), i ran into some roadblocks along the way during the day. i'm trying to take the friendly advice of those who have been there done that and just go with the flow. i am not solely responsible for the success or failure of this project. i am putting in my 2 cents and learning to wisely let things go even tho it goes against my grain to have a so-so product. my users are going to rebel. mark my words!! and enough about that....

my generous and thoughtful co-workers gave me a card and a little something-something in it so i can go get a manicure/pedicure or some yarn and/or knitting goodies or whatever else (this!) my heart might desire. i was very pleased and surprised by it all. it helped make the 1st day back better.

i did get some bad news tho from a co-worker at one of our locations. her husband was recently diagnosed with stomach cancer. i'm thinking he is in his mid-to-late 30's-early 40's. keep them in your prayers...his name is walt and her name is kelly. they have 3 kids from elementary to middle school ages. and he's a high school history teacher. he is having his treatments every other friday and has a 48-hour iv treatment he does at home. he's going to try to teach as long as possible. the doctors feel it will help him so he's got other things occupying his time and thoughts rather than the cancer. the saddest thing is she said it's incurable. the treatments just help him extend his time. i pray they all are able to cram as much good stuff as they can in with whatever the time may be.

well, i've got to go. i need to eat some dinner.


p.s. i wound up frogging the sock i was working on. i looked at it more closely and realized i had made quite a few mistakes that would be hard to now that i have the pattern down pat, i'm hoping the new one will go much smoother.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

saturday outing

i made it out for my saturday outing. it's the 1st time i've been out of the house since my gallbladder surgery this past tuesday. i hung out at my lys-in stitches and caught up with mrs. barbara. she said there were only 3 people at stitch night this past tuesday. aiken county started back to school on monday so that might explain why some folks didn't show up. (btw - donna, next stitch night is september 18th. i plan to be there and i hope you'll be able to make it as well!)

i told her i would have been there except i had surgery. i did try to be there in spirit and knit in the hospital. i only managed 4 rows before i called it quits. i was afraid i would mess up and have to start back over.

i'm one of those who has a hard time recovering when i make a big boo-boo. i get mad and wind up frogging the whole thing instead of putting it down for a while. i've really got to work on

it's funny b/c tonight i turned the heel on the sock and knit the gussett. it looks big for janelle's foot. i've got to get her to try it on and see how it fits. i told my dad if it's too big, i'll frog it and start over on smaller needles. and i'm ok with that, believe it or not. actually i made some mistakes that i'd really like to fix, but didn't want to frog back that far. i'll sleep on it and decide tomorrow.

i think i might go into work for a little bit after we get out of church. i've got some things i'd like to work on when it's quiet and no one is there to disturb me. i can concentrate better that way and plus i won't have to lug my laptop back in monday morning. i know i'm going to hit the ground running when i get in and would like to have a head start on things. i'm glad i feel better so maybe i can handle the stress better.

it's past time for bed.


Saturday, August 25, 2007

it's saturday and...

i'm going to attempt a trip to the store. actually to the yarn i want to catch up with mrs. barbara and see how things are going since i didn't get to go stitch night. i've been knitting on the diagonal ribbed socks. well, i've been working on the 1st sock anyway. i started the heel last night so i feel like i'm on the way now. i showed it to janelle and she likes it so far. that's good b/c i'm making them for her. she tried it on and it fit so far. the only part i'm concerned about is getting it too long in the foot area for her. that's one of the reasons i want to talk to mrs. barbara. i think all i need to do is get janelle's measurements and then i'll know how long to knit after the gussett section.

i've also got to stop by the drug store today. i had a slight allergic reaction to the adhesive in the steri-strips covering my incisions. the doctor on call told me to get some zinc oxide and that would help with the itching. i'm going to check with the pharmacist to make sure i get the right stuff. i'm also having some problems with blistering. i don't know if that's part of the allergic reaction or not.

well, i'm going to go. got to jump in the shower and then go eat some brunch. heck, i might just go have lunch and be done with it.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

on the road to recovery...

well i made it thru my gallbladder surgery just fine. dr. s said i had a pretty diseased gallbladder and it definitely needed to be removed. on tuesday i just drifted in and out of pain med-induced sleep. the funny thing was my shoulders and neck hurt. i wonder if i struggled during the surgery or maybe in recovery. i faintly remember the nurse telling me in recovery to lay back and relax. i know my mouth was dry and i wanted some water. i was probably trying to get up and get

i had the best nurses and pca's you could ask for. they were all very attentive and made me feel at ease. they made sure i didn't want for anything and kept making sure i wasn't hurting. in the middle of the night, ann came and gave me a wonderful dose of percocet that sent me right back into peaceful, painless sleep.

overall the pain hasn't been that bad. i've taken a darvocet to go to sleep tonight but otherwise i have been using otc pain reliever. i feel sure i'll be up and around for work on monday.

i'm going to get up with janelle in the morning and see her some. she's been pretty busy this week even with it being the 1st week of school. she is in so many clubs and has officer duties with some of them. luckily she gets out of school early so she can have some free time to herself.

well, i'm going to go now. i'm sleepy and need to lie down and let the darvocet take


p.s. thanks, donna for your kind words! i wish i had been able to go to stitch nite and meet you. hope you had a good time!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

movie day and the book store

i went to see stardust with tracy and jeri today. it was pretty good. i absolutely LOVED robert de niro's character. he is such a versatile actor and i especially love it when he plays a comedic role. there were some parts that were kind of slow and some of the dialogue was a little silly, but overall i enjoyed it.

we went to borders after the movie. i haven't been over there in a while. it was nice just sitting, reading, drinking coffee, and doing a little knitting. i think i did about 8 rows of the sock pattern i'm working on. i'm using paton's grace - rose #60437. it's probably not the right yarn to be using, but i'm doing it btw...if you haven't already, join to get their newsletters. i have gotten a lot of helpful info and they have some really great patterns to download once you become a member.

well, i'm going to go now. i'm tired and need to get a good night's sleep. janelle will be home tomorrow after visiting with suzy this week. she's got a lot to do to get ready for school on monday.


is it caturday yet?

lol....i love the caturday pics on icanhascheezburger. they are so typical sometimes of how i feel. susan and i have gotten hooked on cheezburger and have to check it out every day. it helps break up the monotony of the workday.

this one makes me think of wilbur when thunders is trying to get him. he hides under my chair, but you don't see him until he comes crawling out. and this is what hooked me! i think i've told y'all about this

and about work...i've been thinking about looking for another job. i've really become frustrated with some of the folks i work for these days. i'm just really kind of fed up with the attitude of some of the decision-makers and their lack of concern for the end users. there are going to be some major issues once folks are introduced to this new software. they are going to be thrown into something that is harder to use than what we've used in the past. and we keep getting these "work-arounds" b/c they can't get the software to perform quite like we need it to perform. it's going to be a nightmare!

i went friday for my pre-op labwork. i have to be there at 5am tuesday morning!!! i told mom i'd just go to bed right after i got home from work on i won't go that early, but i'm probably going to have to get up around 3:45-4 to be awake enough to shower, etc and get there on time. thank goodness dad is taking me. he'll make sure i'm up and out on time.

well, i'm going to go now on that note.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

pesky dial up

hey, y'all! sorry i've been missing in action lately. my phone line has been messing up and i haven't been able to sign on lately. i try to log on at night and get nothing...just silence...and it's intermittent. i thought it was straightened out but it wasn't. i was able to log on here for a bit this evening so i'll try to catch up on things.

janelle is at suzy's this week...last hoorah before starting her senior year of high school on monday the 20th. she's finishing up her "summer" homework this week while she is laying out by the pool. the indignity of it

i'm gearing up for my gallbladder surgery next week. i go for some pre-op stuff in the morning and will hopefully hear from the anesthesiologist (sp) as well. i've already kind of spread the word at work that i don't want visitors. i'll only be there short-term and don't want folks coming in and out to visit. i'll probably be sleepy post-op anyway so i won't be good company.

i finished up the socks for suzy. she loves them. janelle took a late birthday gift bag to her this week.
i sent her the socks, a box i had recycled and covered/decorated, and some fabric atc's that i made her. i'll post pics on my webshots soon. next week may be a good time since i'll be home recovering.

well, i'm going to go now. it's dinner time.


Saturday, August 11, 2007


we went to the greenjackets game tonight. they played the lakewood blueclaws and beat them 8-2. we were worried about it being too hot, but there was a nice breeze blowing. we had good seats up high a little to the left of home plate.

it was the mascot, auggie's, birthday tonight. other mascots joined for the celebration:

  • louie the lynx from the augusta lynx hockey team
  • cocky the gamecock from university of south carolina
  • homer from the atlanta braves
  • pup p dog - crazy blue dog - never did know whose mascot he was
  • harry dog from university of georgia
  • the atlanta falcons mascot
  • the carolina hurricanes mascot
  • and probably some i

the mascots were funny b/c they were fighting each other and jumping on each other and knocking each other down. the kids went crazy getting their autographs and taking pictures with them. i tell you what...those guys and girls who are the mascots are definitely dedicated to their jobs. i know they had to be burning up in their suits. i don't think i could handle it. maybe i'm just old is all...

well, i'm going to go now. i'm ready for bed!


Friday, August 10, 2007

finally, it is happening to me...

i have my gallbladder surgery scheduled!! whooo hooo!! i'm having it removed on august 21st. i am SO ready to have this thing out. i have heard from numerous folks that i will feel a lot better after it's taken out. i'm ready to start feeling better and to hopefully have some energy to exercise and start getting this weight off me.

i went thursday for another endoscopy. my throat feels better for the most part except for a little scratchiness which is normal. i was still having some problems swallowing so dr c wanted to dialate it some more. he said i would have to have this done from time to time like my mom has to have done. i guess it's something that's heredity. she's had problems ever since i can remember. i don't choke up near as much as she does, but i have had issues.

i can't remember the name of the drugs they use to knock you out during the procedure, but i wish i had a little of that for home. the nurse told me the name of the 2 meds and the last thing i remember her saying is it may sting a little. next thing i'm in the recovery area and mom is sitting in the chair next to me. i had been out for about 45 minutes. dr c came in and talked to us and then i was ready to go home.

on the way, mom asked me what i wanted to eat. i had a hankering for her soft scrambled eggs and cheese. i also wanted one of those iced coffees from mcdonald's. i asked for a large. my mom loves me and got me they didn't put any sweetener any it so i had to sweeten it at home. the eggs were fluffy and cheesy. i tell you my mom could make a fortune with her own restaurant. she makes something as simple as scrambled eggs and cheese taste like the best you've ever had!

i tell you what...i had the best nap after i got home from the hospital. they tell you not to drive or make important decisions or sign anything after you get home from the procedure. i laid down and was out like a light. i briefly remember dad telling me they were going to the movies. i remember dreaming about james spader...yummy! and then i woke up around jeopardy time (7:30pm eastern) and was ready to eat. we had homemade mac and cheese...very satisfying. maybe i'm just on a cheese kick right now...

janelle is home tomorrow! i'm so glad that she's coming back home even though she's leaving for suzy's in a few days. she's having that last little trip to aunt suzy's for school shopping. suzy helps me out a lot by buying janelle stuff here and there. i ask her to not go crazy, but she said sometimes she likes to spoil her b/c she doesn't have kids of her own to spoil. janelle's lucky that my sister is so good to her! i'm lucky too!! i appreciate everything she has done for me!

janelle, mom, dad, and i have tickets for the augusta greenjackets game tomorrow night. my work offered tickets so i grab some for us. it's going to be a lot of fun b/c it's auggie's birthday. he is the mascot for the greenjackets. i'm going to take my camera b/c i'm sure there will be a lot of fun things going on.

well, i'm going to go now. i'm heading to bed early so i won't be tired tomorrow.


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

dance of the narwhal...

i'm sitting here listening to the b-52's i just imported into itunes. i love rock lobster! it takes me back to the days when suzy and kent and i would go dancing at a local teen club called total eclipse. we used to have so much fun there. i miss those days!

yesterday was an ok day at work. we found out that one of the execs we don't like is leaving. it was cause for we find it interesting that he is leaving the week before we go live with the new budget software which he pushed and pushed for it to be implemented. i guess the stink won't stick to him since he'll be gone if this doesn't work right.

i was testing again today and it seems like some things get fixed and it breaks something else. it's difficult have consistency with the testing. sometimes i wonder if some of the problem is user error or if the software isn't functioning properly. of course the lead consultant says the software is fine. i just remember in training earlier this year all of us in class experienced the same problems with software bugs. i find it hard to believe they fixed everything in such a short period of time. i've been doing this too long to be told otherwise!

hopefully today i will finally hear from the surgeon's office about scheduling my gallbladder surgery. i'm ready for it to be out and i'm sure you're tired of hearing about it!

on the second sock i started the heel section. i'm hoping to have it finished by thursday or friday so janelle can take the socks to suzy.

i'm going now....good night, sweet dreams, see you in the morning (later


p.s. if you haven't tried mc donald's iced coffee yet, you should soon. i like the regular iced coffee...delicious! i think they are on to something there...

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

you know what is hard to do?

surf or blog and knit at the same i cast on monday evening for the 2nd sock of the pair i'm knitting. i finished the 1st one sunday night and debated starting on the 2nd one then. it's a self striping type of yarn so i wanted to start the 2nd one approximately the same as the 1st one. i think it's going to be pretty close.

this is a short post tonight! i'll try to catch up tomorrow...


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

day after

my daddy's 66th birthday was yesterday. happy birthday, daddy! i think he had a good day even though there wasn't a lot of hoopla. he and mom did their usual tuesday movie day and then went to eat at a local thai restaurant. they had some leftovers so i got to have a nibble later on. per dad's repeated request, mom made him a coconut cream pie from scratch. it was de-li-cious! and i don't normally like coconut anything. i can't stand it if i bite down on a piece of coconut. it gives me the heebie-jeebies and makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck. if i felt a piece in the bite i took i tried to manuever it to my tongue so i wouldn't bite down on it. i'm a goober...i know that already.

she used fresh coconut so it was very, very tasty. dad inhaled his slice and asked for more. of course mom wouldn't let him have it until today. before i came downstairs to my room, he was asking for his 2nd piece of

i decided not to have any tonight b/c i'm feeling kind of gallbladder-attack-ish tonight. i haven't felt good all day and have had some pain on and off on my right side. jane asked me if i was feeling bad so i must have looked it. i caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror at my desk and i thought i looked a little pale. i hope dr. s can schedule surgery right away. i'm ready to get on the upswing of this.

at work i witnessed something i really hope i don't have to witness again. my boss was very close to a meltdown. i have never seen her cry and she was looking pretty misty-eyed. (altho i heard her cry when she told me she had to put one of her beloved cats to sleep when his organs were shutting down. she called me at work to tell me and i felt bad that i couldn't be more comforting. i cried with her.) she's been working practically non-stop since april converting data for this new system. she has been cross-eyed and practically blind by the end of each week. she's not getting much cooperation from a certain group and it's hard for her to proceed w/o their feedback and approval. she's had a lot of data to convert and verify. and if something doesn't convert right, she's the one who has to find it.

we were talking about the implementation of this project. the timing sucks. there's no other way to put it. things keep happening that shouldn't be happening. we see potential user mutiny if we roll this product out right now. next year, it won't be a problem. there is simply not enough time to get all the stuff done properly. our 3-person team doesn't do stuff halfway. we've got several individuals on the project team who are ramming this through. they keep coming up with all these "work-arounds" to try and say the project is successful. my stomach is starting to hurt right now just thinking about it so i need to stop.

on the knitting side of life, i'm working on cozy using a tan colored cotton yarn i had bought a few years ago. i cast on for some simple socks this evening when i came downstairs. the yarn i'm using for the socks is from the plymouth italian collection - sockotta color 6674 (scroll down to see it). it's 45% cotton, 40% superwash wool, 15% nylon. i've been itching do another pair of socks. that'd be a good project to take to the hospital when i have surgery...small enough to tuck in my bag.

i've got to get some sleep now.
