Saturday, August 25, 2007

it's saturday and...

i'm going to attempt a trip to the store. actually to the yarn i want to catch up with mrs. barbara and see how things are going since i didn't get to go stitch night. i've been knitting on the diagonal ribbed socks. well, i've been working on the 1st sock anyway. i started the heel last night so i feel like i'm on the way now. i showed it to janelle and she likes it so far. that's good b/c i'm making them for her. she tried it on and it fit so far. the only part i'm concerned about is getting it too long in the foot area for her. that's one of the reasons i want to talk to mrs. barbara. i think all i need to do is get janelle's measurements and then i'll know how long to knit after the gussett section.

i've also got to stop by the drug store today. i had a slight allergic reaction to the adhesive in the steri-strips covering my incisions. the doctor on call told me to get some zinc oxide and that would help with the itching. i'm going to check with the pharmacist to make sure i get the right stuff. i'm also having some problems with blistering. i don't know if that's part of the allergic reaction or not.

well, i'm going to go. got to jump in the shower and then go eat some brunch. heck, i might just go have lunch and be done with it.


1 comment:

Donna said...

Glad to hear you are recovering enough for an outing to the yarn shop! That's a good sign.

I didn't make it to stitch night either. Em was leaving the following day on her freshman class retreat, and we spent most of the night packing and getting her ready to go.