Friday, August 10, 2007

finally, it is happening to me...

i have my gallbladder surgery scheduled!! whooo hooo!! i'm having it removed on august 21st. i am SO ready to have this thing out. i have heard from numerous folks that i will feel a lot better after it's taken out. i'm ready to start feeling better and to hopefully have some energy to exercise and start getting this weight off me.

i went thursday for another endoscopy. my throat feels better for the most part except for a little scratchiness which is normal. i was still having some problems swallowing so dr c wanted to dialate it some more. he said i would have to have this done from time to time like my mom has to have done. i guess it's something that's heredity. she's had problems ever since i can remember. i don't choke up near as much as she does, but i have had issues.

i can't remember the name of the drugs they use to knock you out during the procedure, but i wish i had a little of that for home. the nurse told me the name of the 2 meds and the last thing i remember her saying is it may sting a little. next thing i'm in the recovery area and mom is sitting in the chair next to me. i had been out for about 45 minutes. dr c came in and talked to us and then i was ready to go home.

on the way, mom asked me what i wanted to eat. i had a hankering for her soft scrambled eggs and cheese. i also wanted one of those iced coffees from mcdonald's. i asked for a large. my mom loves me and got me they didn't put any sweetener any it so i had to sweeten it at home. the eggs were fluffy and cheesy. i tell you my mom could make a fortune with her own restaurant. she makes something as simple as scrambled eggs and cheese taste like the best you've ever had!

i tell you what...i had the best nap after i got home from the hospital. they tell you not to drive or make important decisions or sign anything after you get home from the procedure. i laid down and was out like a light. i briefly remember dad telling me they were going to the movies. i remember dreaming about james spader...yummy! and then i woke up around jeopardy time (7:30pm eastern) and was ready to eat. we had homemade mac and cheese...very satisfying. maybe i'm just on a cheese kick right now...

janelle is home tomorrow! i'm so glad that she's coming back home even though she's leaving for suzy's in a few days. she's having that last little trip to aunt suzy's for school shopping. suzy helps me out a lot by buying janelle stuff here and there. i ask her to not go crazy, but she said sometimes she likes to spoil her b/c she doesn't have kids of her own to spoil. janelle's lucky that my sister is so good to her! i'm lucky too!! i appreciate everything she has done for me!

janelle, mom, dad, and i have tickets for the augusta greenjackets game tomorrow night. my work offered tickets so i grab some for us. it's going to be a lot of fun b/c it's auggie's birthday. he is the mascot for the greenjackets. i'm going to take my camera b/c i'm sure there will be a lot of fun things going on.

well, i'm going to go now. i'm heading to bed early so i won't be tired tomorrow.


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