Tuesday, January 29, 2008

i have some news...

but i can't tell it yet. it's something really, really good, too. tee hee hee...

i'm in a pretty good mood right now. i just found out a little while ago that the chair lift is fixed at the pool at the aquatic center. this means water aerobics!! it also (hopefully) means more weight loss and getting strong again. i was giggling after i got off the phone with the guy who teaches the water aerobics classes. i almost have my bag packed for tomorrow's class. :)

tomorrow is also weight watchers wednesday. i'm hoping to have lost at least a pound. i feel like i've lost some, but it's hard to tell. my pants are definitely getting bigger. my underwear is even getting a little baggy. that's ok though. it means smaller sizes...yay!

it's time to go....they are hollering at me to come to eat dinner.


Just Me said...

Now you're just taunting us!! What's the good news!!!??? Yay about the chair lift and looser clothes.

Sauntering Soul said...

You won the lottery?

You met Prince Charming?

You're going to be on a reality show?

You've just been told money really does grow on trees?

Come on....what's the good news?