Wednesday, June 20, 2007

too tired

this is the 2nd day in a row that i came home from work and crashed in my bed. i'm one of those folks who is a stickler for putting on my jammies as soon as i get home. i couldn't get undressed and into my jammies quick enough

i have sleep apnea so i have a cpap machine. i put my cpap mask on, piled the blankets on top and promptly fell asleep. i don't even think i remember closing my eyes or anything. i woke up when janelle yelled downstairs that dinner was ready. she had gotten home from church and was eating her dinner. mom and dad had already eaten earlier and were watching reruns of mama's family on ion channel. janelle picked at me about my 2 1/2 hour nap.

i think the only reason i'm still awake right now is b/c i'm nosey about some of my fav blogs. i've also been looking at some patterns. jane wants me to make her a mesh market bag. one of the ladies at work who also knits brought by her bag that she knit. it was gorgeous with bright pink, orange and yellow. i asked her if i could get a copy of the pattern, but i think she got it with a class she took. if the pattern is free, i'd like a copy, but not if she had to pay for it. i don't think that is fair.

i'm trying to not take a percocet tonight. i've decided to save them for nights when i'm really hurting and the otc pain relievers don't help. i took some tylenol arthritis strength tabs when i woke up from my nap. they are working other than i'm stiff when i stand up. i just wish i could find out why my lower legs keep swelling like they do. i know it's hotter weather and folks swell when it's hotter and i'm overweight and that contributes to it...blah, blah, blah. maybe after my cleansing next week in prep for the colonoscopy, i'll feel better.

well good night and i'll try to write more tomorrow.


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