Thursday, February 21, 2008

glad it's almost over

i'm not going to blog much tonight. and i know i haven't blogged much lately. i've been in a kind of whiney mood and i wanted to spare y'all. thanks to donna, beverly, and dani who sent me good thoughts!

to comment on yesterday's post: the weight gain this week is due to fluid retention. i didn't go over my weekly allowance. i had a bad day saturday and ate somethings i shouldn't have (chick fil a and wendy's). i've also been eating more weight watchers meals for my lunch b/c it's convenient. i know it's just too much sodium for my body to handle. when i've been successful with the weight loss, i've been eating salads or leftovers or sandwiches, not processed stuff. i can tell today that i've lost some b/c my ring isn't making indentations into my finger. the difference...i had a salad and a baked potato for lunch and mom's homemade chili for dinner. breakfast was 2 waffles (plain) and a medium banana. i also had an apple and a tangerine. and i made sure i drank extra water today.

i have also gotten off track with my journaling. anyone who is/has been in weight watchers knows they really stress about journaling. i can definitely tell a difference in how i'm handling my food choices over the last couple of weeks. i'm trying to get back on track. i've hit a small plateau and need to keep strong and not give in to old thoughts of failure. i've been successful with this so far and i know i can do it. :) giving myself the ol' pep talk!!

well, i'm going to go now. i've been trying to keep on the same schedule for bedtime. i'm planning catching up this weekend.

oh, and one very happy note: my elliott sadler finished 6th in the daytona 500!!! :) i hope this is the beginning of a beautiful season....


Donna said...

I have been thinking about you but life has been insane here lately. I went off WW last weekend for Emily's birthday party but am pretty much back on track again now. I intentially enjoyed the cake, pizza, and goodies last weekend because your kid's b-day only comes once a year! I'm going to start exercising as soon as Donald puts together our elliptical machine. With our schedules, it's impossible for me to make it to a class, so we figured that instead of paying for classes I didn't attend, we'd buy a machine all three of us will use.

Just Me said...

W'HOO cutie ESad! Practice just kicked off in Cali. Here's to another good race for E and a better race for J!