Thursday, December 20, 2007

under the weather

i'm not feeling so hot right now. i hope i'm not getting sick. it's been pretty chilly in my new work area. when i get cold, it causes me to tense up and my leg starts hurting. i'm taking a blanket tomorrow so i can cover my legs up and hopefully stay warm. i think i'm going to make a shawl to keep at my desk as well. and i've even thought about some wristwarmers.

actually i'm hoping i'm just tired b/c of the stress of the new responsibilities at work. i've been going non-stop for the past couple of days and today was pretty intense. i'm taking over some of the duties of a guy who is leaving. i'm doing user security to some of our systems. this isn't a problem b/c i handle security set up for other systems i support. the problem is the users have not been required to fill out the paperwork properly. and i had to hunt for information that should have been provided. i talked to my boss and told her i can't work like that. she told me to do what i needed to do to get the info. this means making the users fill out proper paperwork. when i asked the guy about that, he said they showed them at first, but folks didn't follow the instructions. well, i'm here to tell you this...they will learn to follow instructions or it will delay their access. it's ridiculous b/c it's a time-waster with sending emails back and forth. i told my boss there is no way i can operate like this during budget season. thankfully she supports me in that respect.

oh, and my boss loved the scarf i knit her. i was really surprised by her reaction. she said she was hoping i was going to knit her something. that made me feel good that she appreciates handmade items. she does cross stitch so she understands the thought and effort behind my knitting. and the color looked good on her too. she said she would definitely use it especially in the mornings on the way to work. she lives about an hour and a half from here so she's up early on these cold mornings.

my secret santa gave me an elliott sadler #19 backpack for christmas. it is perfect. i think i'm going to start using it instead of using the bag i carry now. i can sling it over my shoulder and go. i gave my secret santa gift to the lady whose name i drew. i gave her a tea time at the masters cookbook and a ruffly scarf made with yarn bee luscious in cherry. the scarf turned out so soft. i think she liked it.

i got a hobby lobby gift card from my boss, which rocks! they have had some good yarn sales over the last few weeks, so i can add to my stash. :)

well, i'm going to go to sleep now. i'm tired even though i took a nap after work. i kind of like this 8-5 work schedule. i can come home and take a short nap, then get up, eat dinner, knit/watch tv and then back to of course i can't do that every night b/c i have those pesky things called chores to do!


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