Tuesday, September 18, 2007

ronda rich totally rocks!

i had to post this before i went to bed tonight...

i got to talk to ronda rich on the phone today!! i am just beside myself with pure joy! y'all, she is probably one of my most favorite authors that i've ever read. she needed some help with some info and i was fortunate enough to be the one to help her.

it's really strange how things happen. the other day, laurie (aka crazy aunt purl) had linked to ronda rich's articles she had written for athens banner herald, which are posted on their website (back to 2003!!). i had talked to their controller and was grilling him on whether or not ronda came to the office. i went on and on about how i had already read 3 of her books and especially liked the one about her days in nascar. i had even petitioned to our hr department to have ronda as our motivational speaker for our last accounting managers' meeting (which we wound up not having).

well, greg forwarded me an email and asked if i could help. when i saw ronda rich's name on there, i about passed out! i called him immediately about it and he said he thought i might like to help out and could probably get the info for ronda quicker than he could. so i sent her an email because i needed further details to make sure i got what she needed.

when she called me, i know i was a goober and gushed telling her i loved her books. you know what is really weird....her voice sounded exactly the way i expected it to sound. i've never heard her speak or seen her on tv or anything like that. she has a very pretty sing-song southern voice that you expect us southern women to have. i could have talked to her forever. she is just so nice and down-to-earth. while we were talking, she received an email from the lady she had contacted at athens banner herald and it said one of her biggest fans was helping out with getting her info. i'm still grinning ear-to-ear about it!!

well, i've got to go now. y'all check out ronda rich...you won't regret it!!


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